Friday, August 31, 2007

And so it begins...

Today I finally have worked up the nerve to not only read the blogs of others but to toss my hat into the ring and start my own. So here it goes...

I started baking seriously about 2 years ago when I guess I was bitten by the pastry bug. I went from a mild interest to being almost obsessed. I took one look at what it costs to register in pastry school and went into sticker shock. Please understand that I am still paying off the last two degrees I got back in the 90's.

I guess I should mention that since the birth of my 5 year old I have been a stay at home Mom. I started collecting the makings of a baking and pastry cookbook library that rivals any cooking school. (I actually checked the schools in my area before making that claim). Now that my daughter has started "real" school I find myself with some "me" time...with that I decided to attempt to teach myself professional pastry. (Its a whole lot cheaper than school and I set my own hours). I have collected all of the text books on the subject that are readily available and digested them completely. I actually took notes as if I were in school. I practice as often as possible and am really hoping to share some of my exploits with anyone else who might be interested.

A great source for books is I research books there and am then able to buy the books used for pennies on the dollar. I have some absolutely amazing books. (More on that later). I will say may be easier to learn high level pastry from a school but with discipline and (a very patient husband) in my case it can be done at home with the purchase of well......quite a bit of equipment and books. Lots of books!

So here is where I will tell my tale as I continue on this road I am paving here at home. I will be including some step by step pictures along with baking notes and recipes. I have really enjoyed the blogs of so many I hope some of you might enjoy mine. I look forward to baking with you.